Vous avez rêvé d’apprendre à sculpter sans jamais avoir osé le faire, vous êtes un sculpteur amateur cherchant à acquérir des bases solides ou un sculpteur expérimenté voulant enrichir sa pratique en taille directe, pour la sculpture en bois ou la sculpture en pierre, ou en modelage pour la sculpture en argile, ou encore vous êtes un artiste en arts visuels intéressé à explorer la sculpture, ce cours, unique en son genre, est pour vous.
Ce stage intensif de 2 jours et demi est offert à Montréal dans l’atelier de sculpture de Coudari, artiste sculpteur contemporain. L’environnement est lumineux et l’ambiance chaleureuse. Vous y vivrez une expérience enrichissante et stimulante qui se manifestera dans votre processus créatif et contribuera à divers niveaux à votre développement artistique. Votre travail gagnera en assurance et vos œuvres en force et en présence.
Cours intensif sur 3 jours
Vendredi 18 hr à 21 hr
Samedi 9:30 hr à 17:30 hr
Dimanche 9:30 hr à 17:30 hr
Maximum de 3 participants
Outils fournis
Ouvert à tous
Aucune expérience requise
À Montréal
À proximité des autoroutes 15 et 20 et du pont Champlain
Près des métros Verdun et De l’Église
Stationnement facile et gratuit
Phillippe is a talented man, passionate and full of good will. One is lucky to know him. He is committed to every student and goes well beyond the expectations of a teacher.
The success of each participant is not an objective for him, but a mission that he intends to fulfill. Not only will you gain knowledge of the world around you by understanding sculptural forms, but you will learn first and foremost to know yourself. For me, it was a turning point of great value.
J’ai beaucoup aimé et appris dans ce cours. Comme par exemple la satisfaction de réussir le défi de sculpter une tête pour la première fois, l’expérience nouvelle de penser en trois dimensions, le sentiment d’avoir développé mon sens de l’observation, et la pratique d’une méthode de travail qui dépasse le cadre du cours… J’ai également apprécié les qualités de pédagogue de Philippe Coudari, sa générosité, et l’encadrement qu’il offre à chacun. Le cours est donné avec le sourire, dans une ambiance à la fois sérieuse et chaleureuse. Je suis sorti de ce stage enrichi. Je le recommande sans réserve!
J’ai toujours voulu m’essayer à la sculpture mais j’ai toujours hésité à le faire parce que je n’ai jamais fait d’art. Je me suis sentie bien supportée. L’ambiance est détendue, il n’y a pas de compétitivité, et je ne me sentais pas intimidée par les autres participants plus expérimentés. Le professeur est patient et pédagogue. Je ne m’attendais pas à être capable de faire ce que j’ai fait en une fin de semaine. Ce cours m’a donné confiance dans ma capacité à réussir dans quelque chose de nouveau. Même ma façon de regarder les choses a changé. J’ai tellement aimé l’expérience que j’ai suivi le cours deux fois!
I am very happy with my intensive sculpting workshop. I had no expectations in particular, only to enjoy myself and spend quality time with my two friends with whom I have taken the course. I am doubly satisfied, because in addition to introducing me to sculpting with a talented teacher, patient and interesting, I had fun. An experience to relive, for sure!
This class is not only good for beginners but is also beneficial for sculptors who want to review and classify their discrete knowledge on form and light in such short period of time. I also learned how to use few sculpting tools and how to plan the portrait base more efficiently and more confidently. Thank you! thank you!
What a great experience!
This studio, luminous and full of works by the artist, was the perfect setting for a beautiful experience. What a surprise to see my block of clay gradually transform into a splendid head! Thank you Philippe for your kindness, your patience, generosity and technical support.
Beyond the techniques, the shared expertise and passion, your teaching sharpened my perception of form, volume, shadow and light. It even enhanced my way of seeing things in three dimensions.
Finally! This course has allowed me to understand the logic of taking material away. Having worked more in my previous classes by modeling, adding material, my attempts to sculpt in wood and stone were not convincing. I have the sincere impression that now I would know how to approach those materials. After taking the class I am able to make a link to previous techniques and concepts. I now understand theoretically and practically, the idea of volume and the structure of the elements of the face through measurements.
I learned to place myself physically in the best position to be able to use tools that I had not often used. The artist’s studio is beautiful, bright, spacious and inspiring.
Philippe as a professor is patient, careful, precise and a rigorous sculptor. His approach and his course are both well thought out and delivered.
Bonus, the musical atmosphere is excellent!
Fin de semaine intensive, pour une première expérience de sculpture sur bloc d’argile. Je suis agréablement surprise de la tête faite. Un merci tout spécial Philippe pour ta patience et le partage de ta passion. Oui, ce sera à refaire avec plaisir !
It’s been several years since I worked in clay by modeling. The course allowed me through Philippe Coudari’s teaching, to change my perspective and work by extracting as if we were carving stone or wood. Now I have a better understanding of shape and volume. The course, which is given in a warm and friendly manner, was for me a unique experience in the wonderful world of sculpture. I highly recommend it!
I enjoyed and learned in this course. I had the satisfaction of succeeding in sculpting a head for the first time, and the new experience of thinking three dimensionally, the feeling of having developed my sense of observation, and using a working method that will go beyond the scope of the course … I also appreciated the teaching skills of Philippe Coudari as well as the generosity and guidance he offers to everyone. The course is given with a smile in an atmosphere both serious and warm. I came out of this class enriched. I recommend it without reservation!
Nous avons vécu une expérience hors du commun. La démarche de M. Coudari nous entraine dans un monde où la technique, lorsque bien exécutée, devient l’outil au service de l’oeuvre. Il nous offre une approche qui nous permettra de mettre en sculpture nos futures idées et images. Coudari, très généreux dans ses explications, nous aide à concevoir l’objet sculpté dans son ensemble. Je ne puis que recommander cette expérience intense à tous ceux qui cherchent à comprendre comment se bâtit une belle sculpture. À ceux qui désirent voir ce que leurs mains peuvent réaliser, cet atelier est pour vous.
Mr. Coudari showed me that the head, however complex it may be, can be carved in clay by anyone using the method he created. With him I discovered that every structure is composed on planes. I learned how to find them, and how to transpose them onto a mass of clay, thus giving form, volume and light to a work. Philippe has never (believe me!) missed an opportunity to show me how to handle the tools and perfect my technical movements. Having now learned the basics of sculpture with Philippe Coudari, I feel able to move forward and have fun in this creative universe.
While searching on the net, I came across an art course which was perfect for me. Being 72 years old and without any training but with a great interest for art in general, I was seduced by the description of a sculpture workshop proposed by the artist-sculptor Philippe Coudari established in Verdun.
I was informed up front that this event took place over 3 consecutive days, on weekends, and, that it was not a creative workshop per se, but a theoretical and practical course aimed at transmitting his method for developing a bust from a block of clay.
But what seduced me and attracted me in an irresistible way, and that decided me to take his workshop, was the work he presented in his website. And how much more moving was the discovery of his actual sculptures whether in bronze, acrylic, or plaster, completed or in development. What wonders, among them are his sculptures: the “Crucified” and the “Genocide.” All these creations are scattered in a vast luminous space in the middle of an orgy of plants, each more exotic than the other, and where there are also spaces used by other artists, painters or sculptors.
Mr. Coudari is an exceptional teacher. First of all, he defines what a sculpture is, then, with the help of screen projected images or with the examples of his work distributed in the workshop, he explains how the different components of a bust are articulated and how a superb face with classical characteristics will emerge from a block of inert clay.
Then begins the project during which, gradually, according to his instructions and thanks to different instruments whose use he explains to us, we cut piece by piece, him on his block of clay and us on ours, until first a skull appears and then slowly the different parts of the face.
Don’t worry if you are having difficulty, he has extraordinary patience and empathy, repeating when necessary, forgotten or misunderstood information or instructions and sometimes refining an unsuccessful action.
In spite of all the difficulties I experienced, and sometimes a certain discouragement, he was attentive, calm and proved to be an exceptional teacher.
One does not become an artist with this workshop. However, one will understand not only all the work that it requires, but also and especially, the moments of doubt and those of great happiness that a true artist, such as Mr. Coudari, can experience in his creative process.
Thank you
The sculpture course we did last week was five stars. I definitely learned more in three days in your course, Philippe, than in both my sculpting sessions in college!
I always wanted to try my hand at sculpture but I’ve always hesitated to do so because I’ve never done art. I felt well supported. The atmosphere is relaxed, there is no competition, and I did not feel intimidated by the more experienced participants. The teacher is patient and an educator. I did not expect to be able to do what I have done in a weekend. This course gave me confidence in my ability to succeed in something new. Even my way of looking at things has changed. I so enjoyed the experience that I took the course twice!
I came into this workshop with some limited experience with sculpting the human head, but Philippe was able to take me back to the basics and introduce me to the importance of working with form, volume, structure and anatomy. This has given my work a new strength and purpose. I will always have the head which I created in the workshop as a reminder to create with this new way of looking at sculpture. Working with Philippe in his fabulous studio was very inspiring for me and I am so glad I took this workshop. Thank you Philippe.
Après avoir suivi le cours de sculpture de Coudari, je ne vois plus ce qui m’entoure de la même façon. J’avais bien touché à l’argile dans le passé … par le biais de la technique du modelage mais jamais à la sculpture. Quelle belle découverte ! J’ai adoré vivre cette expérience ! Peu importe le parcours de chacun, Coudari partage sa passion pour la sculpture et son savoir-faire en guidant chacun de ses élèves tout au long du projet. Tous à vos règles et à vos compas, concentration et écoute, notions anatomiques et mesures, tracés et coupes franches … partir d’un gros bloc et finir avec une tête … que c’est fascinant ! J’aurais aimé avoir la possibilité de suivre un tel cours à l’Université. Non, je ne vois plus les choses de la même façon depuis que j’ai suivi le cours de Coudari et cela va certainement influencer mon travail en peinture.
J’ai apprécié l’environnement lumineux dans lequel le cours est donné, entouré des oeuvres de Philippe Coudari. Le cours est bien structuré et bien expliqué. Le week-end a passé très vite et j’ai décroché de mon quotidien. Je suis très satisfaite de ma sculpture que j’admire tous les jours, posée au-dessus de mon foyer! Depuis ce cours je suis davantage consciente de ce que représente la sculpture. Ma façon d’en voir une dans un musée ou dans un paysage s’est enrichie, j’apprécie mieux la technique et les qualités artistiques. Je recommande ce cours à quiconque est prêt à y consacrer le temps et l’énergie nécessaires. Enfin le rapport qualité/prix est très intéressant.
I enjoyed the light environment in which the course is given, surrounded by the works of Philippe Coudari. The course is well structured and well explained. The weekend passed very quickly and I was able to forget about everything else. I am very pleased with my sculpture I admire it everyday, sitting on my mantel. Since this course I am more aware of what sculpture is. My way to look at one in a museum or in a landscape was enriched, I better appreciate the technical and artistic qualities. I recommend this course to anyone willing to devote the necessary time and energy. Finally the price / quality ratio is very worthwhile.
After taking Coudari’s sculpture course I not longer see the world in the same way. I had worked with clay in the past but I had never tried to sculpt. What a great discovery! I loved this experience! Coudari shares his passion for sculpture and is expert in guiding each student throughout the workshop. You use ruler and compass, concentrate and listen to anatomical concepts and measurements, execute precise cuts and from a big block of clay, finish with a head…it’s fascinating! I wish I had the opportunity to follow such a course at college. No, I do not see things the same way at all since I took the course with Coudari and this will certainly influence my work in painting.